About Us
Miles Overholt publishes book Building Flexible Organizations: A People Centered Approach outlining how to create productive organizations by leveraging the strengths of their employees.
Miles develops first version of MAPP, an assessment that measures the alignment of organizational DNA to employee and management behavior.
Al Vicere develops organizational DnA® Assessment and SLCQ™ (Strategy Leadership and Culture) Assessment.
Miles and Al combine their surveys and research.
Miles and Al refine the DnA® assessment through client feedback and research by working with McDonalds, BASF, Vanguard, Toshiba and 245 other companies to create a valid survey to diagnose a company’s operating culture.
Strategia creates new assessments (Candidate Culture Calibration and My Preferred Organization) to help clients sustain changes implemented as a result of DnA® findings.
Miles and Al create Strategia Analytics.